
Friday, October 7, 2011

The Amazing Documentary on Lyme Disease - A MUST SEE


"Under Our Skin" has recently become available on for a limited time. To go to this film, click here.

Lyme disease has spread to every part of the globe. It is often unrecognized or under-treated by local healthcare providers, in spite of its being the second largest infectious epidemic, next to AIDS. This documentary is invaluable to every citizen of this world, and should be made to go viral. Through several moving human case studies, "Under Our Skin" shows not only the various ways that this illness can manifest, but the happy endings that can be achieved through the dedication of  doctors who are willing to risk their licenses with long term, complex treatment. As we watch several very ill people "herx" their way back to health and pick up their lives again, we can appreciate how many other hundreds of thousands  unnecessarily suffer and lose their lives through lack of qualified treatment.

The second half of the film reveals the cohort of the CDC, pharmaceutical industries and the insurance agencies in glaring, unequivocal light. When you, as the viewer realize the extent of the disregard, discompassion (to coin a word), and negligence that pervades and corrupts the very system that is supposed to be guarding our health, you, the viewer are given the critical distance you may one day need as you battle any number of illnesses, including heart disease and cancer -- nearly all of which have the similar cohorts implementing treatments that are not truly evidence based and helpful, and preventing effective, less expensive (because not patentable) treatments from being researched and known.

This book by a renowned professor of medicine explains the lack of evidence-based studies for many of our common medical practices: "How to Stay Well Despite the Health-Care System," by Norton M. Hadler.

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